
Blog refresh!

After many years of the good old Metro UI style, inspired by Windows Phone, I decided to give this blog a refresh and also change the underlaying blog engine.

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Umbraco on Windows Azure – Part 3 of N

This is the third post of the Umbraco on Windows Azure series. In the first post, I introduced Umbraco CMS, Windows Azure and the reason why you would like to host your Umbraco site on Windows Azure, with a brief manual installation walkthrough. In the second post I presented the open-source helper Windows Azure Accelerator for Umbraco, which let you to deploy the site on Windows Azure in less than an hour. In this post, we'll see how to solve its thousands daily storage transactions issue.

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Umbraco on Windows Azure – Part 2 of N

This is the second post of the Umbraco on Windows Azure series. In the first post, I introduced Umbraco CMS, Windows Azure, the reason why you would like to host your Umbraco site on Windows Azure and a brief walkthrough to deploy a site manually. In this part, we'll have a look at the open-source helper which will let you to deploy the site on Windows Azure in less than an hour.

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Umbraco on Windows Azure – Part 1 of N

This post series divided in n parts will describe my development experiences with Umbraco CMS hosted on Windows Azure, acquired while creating this blog from scratch. Please, feel free to comment, criticize and suggest improvements!

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