Build Caffe2 and Detectron with GPU support on Windows (Part 2 of 2)

Few weeks ago, I had the need to test and use some custom models made with Caffe2 framework and Detectron. They are actively developed on Linux, but I needed to have them run on Windows 10 with CUDA GPU support. It is possible to build Caffe2 for Windows, and a guide is provided, but if you need to use Detectron (not supported on Windows, officially), it is a bit more complicated and some changes in the source code and in the build scripts are required.
Read more →Build Caffe2 and Detectron with GPU support on Windows (Part 1 of 2)

In the last couple of weeks, I had the need to test and use some custom models made with Caffe2 framework and Detectron. They are actively developed on Linux, but I needed to have them run on Windows 10 with CUDA GPU support. It is possible to build Caffe2 for Windows, and a guide is provided, but if you need to use Detectron (not supported on Windows, officially), it is a bit more complicated and some changes in the source code and in the build scripts are required.
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